
Showing posts from May, 2018

A catch up

Sorry Ive been quiet but I got busy in the last couple of months as I started writing a “book” though god knows it if will ever go anywhere but its been good for my brain to keep it active. It all started from a dream I had which was very odd and very detailed. Maybe when its done ill post it on the internet. At present I’m at 20k words :) didnt know I knew that many :P Health wise i was doing pretty well after my hernia surgery in November, well as well as I get, until the last couple of weeks. I found out I have a 18mm kidney stone which is going to take 3 surgeries to sort out :( and developed Reynards. First in my arm and hand then my feet. Possibly from a folic acid tablet i was prescribed  time will tell. God I hope so cause that stuff is painful! Ill try to be better at updating this blog now i bought an actual keyboard for my iPad. A pressie to myself for my 40th b day last week.........40!!!! Take care X