
Showing posts from June, 2019

I hate stents!

So I'm still walking about with this stent in and every step feels like I can feel the stent scraping away inside my bladder which isn't the most pleasant feeling in the world. I'm four weeks into having this one and I cant wait to get it out. I still haven't had a letter with a date for the surgery. Simples things but I'm looking forward to peeing with out having to bite my hand to keep from crying out and being able to walk the doggo properly again. Side not I have had this weird recurring sensation in my back between my shoulder blades. Did some research and seem to be just another one of the joys of Fibromylalgia. LDN still isn't helping me but I'm seeing my pain specialist on Wednesday so well see what he says, he did speak about lidocane infusions or ketamine infusions so we will see. Kayt out!:)

My LDN journey so far PLUS the fun of a kidney stone

Well it's  been a while since I updated this blog but I've been having a hard couple months. Firstly the LDN has made no difference to my pain levels at all though has made a difference to my pocket at almost 90€ a month plus 100€ to see the specialist. I started on 3mg but am now on 4.5mg which is what most Fibro sufferers find relief on. They dont let you get any higher apparently.  However I've also been going through a couple of surgical procedures for my almost 2cm kidney stone. In the beginning of April I had the first but apparently i have and i quote "the smallest urethra" they have ever seen so they couldn't even get to my kidney. Instead they inserted a stent from my kidney to my bladder. Now general anesthetics (GAs) make me sick as the proverbial dog. I get dizzy and a migraine and mega nauseous which i did but my biggest issue was the day after the surgery I woke with the worse Reynauds symptoms I have ever experienced, although I haven't bee...