Relationships with chronic illnesses especially ones that cause pain are fucking hard. (Least in my opinion) Friends tend to fall by the way side for the most part. Their busy “normal” lives seem as alien to you as your pain filled life does to them I guess. If, like myself, you are unable to work, somedays can get very lonely. Suddenly a chat with the butcher about the weather, meeting someone on a dog walk, the checkout person in Tesco almost seems like a proper conversation. Nights out become so much hard work that you are lucky to get out 3-4 times a year (at least that’s me) and afterwards it can take 2 days to get over it and that’s without even drinking alcohol. If I do drink it will be for 3 days or so. Family members can be tricky too. I’m lucky in that my family are so supportive and caring but that in too can be kinda hard because I hold back a little for fear of worrying them not wanting to add to the constant level of worry I know they hold on to since I firs...