12 weeks post stroke

Twelve weeks on from stroke and its all a bit surreal that it ever happened. Physically I'm back as much as I'm going to be I think. Slight loss in toe control which effects my already dodgy balance lol. Going down stairs or steps or even small inclines in grass is tricky and requires concentration and the tiny spasms I seem to have developed mostly in my foot are a lil annoying. Mentally stuff like concentration and memory is mostly better but still hard to mutli task. My main issues now are
A. I am emotional as hell. Coldplay who I am not a fan of in the background of a show I was watching made me cry the other day. I cry at the drop of a hat and its like it washes over me and I am powerless to stop it. Im assured by fellow stroke survivors that this is normal with brain injury and will improve with time.
B The dreams. Almost nightly of waking up and not being able to move and various unpleasantness while I was in hospital. Everytime I wake up the first thing I do is wriggle my toes and fingers to make sure I can. I dont know if that will ever change.
Seeing the Drs Thursday and hoping they will let me back driving.


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