6 months post stroke

6 months have gone by in a flash. It feels like yesterday and at the same time years ago that I had my stroke. I think I'm starting to cope better but in saying that last Monday I was back at the hospital that I was in for the first two weeks for the first time since and as soon as we stepped out of the lift and stood in front of Costa coffee I burst into tears. It flooded over me and I couldn't speak, thankfully Dave was there to hug me and help me get it out.
When I was in hospital the week after the stroke they would get me out of bed and into a wheelchair and Dave would push me outside so I could breath. One of those days we went into Costa coffe which is in the hospital and went into the little courtyard. The sun was shining so bright it was almost blinding but I saw myself reflected in the glass and broke down, I looked so weak and helpless. My head resting on a head support, the wheel chair adapted to tilt me backwards slightly as I wouldn't be able to stop myself falling forward. Pale from blood loss and swollen from medications in a hospital gown with a blanket over my knees. I could barely stop then either but Dave held my hand and we made plans for the worst case scenario as at this stage my arm was beginning to work well again but my leg still was completely paralysed. I am grateful to have gotten through it all with Dave and my family's support and probably a good dose of my own stubbornness. :)


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