Update 2022

So, I’ve done it again! Every time I write in this I promise to write more often and now its been almost a year!!!

I really shall endeavor from now on to do this at least bimonthly, if not for anyone who reads this but for my brain pan.

So, 2022 thunders towards its end.

Health wise I’ve had some new fun sent my way.

Firstly, as always there’s been more tests and scans. I get a cat scan every year with contrast on my heart to keep an eye on the clot and ulcer that I have on my aorta which they think caused my stroke . In good news the clot is completely gone. That is great news as it was a constant worry with every stumble and fall, as I do a lot of that, that I would dislodge something and suffer another stroke. The ulcer is weirdly still there but smaller. They still have no idea why it is there so there is that. Even my stroke doctor who I saw in September told me he’s talked to so many specialists about it trying to figure out why it happened, but they are “dumbfounded” to use his words. It is shrinking however, and they will continue to monitor it. As soon as it clears, I can come off the blood thinners which would be amazing as they have fucked up my periods big time but more on that later lol.

Unfortunately, after that cat scan was done, they noticed something on my thyroid. YIPEEEEE

So, I had to have an ultrasound on my thyroid. Now of all the tests I’ve had it is painless and simple but because I am me, I had a whopper migraine and was super dizzy. Laying back with my head back as far as I could stretch with a mask on in the heat of the tiny room, I became unbelievably nauseous. I eventually had to get the lady to stop twenty minutes in as I was sure I was going to vomit. Thankfully she was kind to me and got me a fan to cool me down, a sick bowl and let me take off my mask on the side she wasn’t working on. Then the machine went awry so more hold up. I was in the room for about an hour. Poor Dave was outside worried as he saw people coming in and out. Not fun.

They found somewhere over 16 growths in there… woooo…. I did have thyroid blood tests but unfortunately, they went missing at the hospital and I stupidly had left the other copy at home. God forbid they get it right! So, I am waiting to see an Endocrinologist in Blanchardstown to get some answers on that.

Back to my periods. Since starting blood thinners they have been hellish. I’ve always been luckily period wise. Always 27-29 days cycle always 3-4 days long 1-2 days “heavy” pain bearable. Well since the blood thinners HOLY HELL. Periods can go to 7 days. At least 3-4 days heavy and when I say heavy, I mean the first few months I was frightened. The pain is unbearable at time. Nothing helps and with my Crohn’s I can’t take certain things and now with blood thinners there are others I can’t take but I’m bold I take them when it’s so bad because I have no choice I cant cope. All I’ve been told over the intermediate 3 years is put in a coil. I don’t want a coil. So, my stroke doctor referred me in September to a gynecologist and I have an appointment in December.

Might I add that brings my number of specialists not including GPs, numerous physios, private specialists I’ve tried and head shrinkers, officially to double figures.

This had been hard to get my brain around. Its tough being 44 and feeling like you are playing a shitty game of Pokémon go but with doctors.it has made me sad, I’m not going to lie.

I also had the joy of covid during the summer, July, I had one day where I felt really fluy but didn’t test positive til the day after, after that it was just like a fibro flare exhaustion hit every now and again for two weeks.

This week I’ve had the joy of bronchitis which is friggin hellish! I’ve finished day four of my steroids, antibiotics and inhaler and if anything, I feel worse. Having a period arrive the same day helps……

Oh, my body likes to play with me!! (Prick!)            

In good news I’ve been really enjoying creating maps for people for use in TTRPGS! (Tabletop role playing games for those who aren’t nerds).

Some have been to print out for in world gaming and others are for using in online games.

I find it really enjoyable and its been good to be creative again. The stroke took that from me in so many ways but with programs like Dungeon Alchemist and my personal favorite Inkarnate, I can be creative in a way that doesn’t frustrate me.

I’ve recently gotten a laptop which I am typing on at the minute which I think will keep me updating this more often. It also lets me work on maps when I can’t be at my computer.

Also, I’d really love to finish my silly story I started the year before the stroke. I still have only ever shared it with my mom as I don’t think it’s any good, but I’d love to finish it just for me.

Its close but maybe now I’ll get there.

I feel like I’ve become even more insulator than I was before. I used to go out alone a lot have a cuppa and read a book. I don’t so much anymore. I find it stressful the noise, movement etc. and it is hard to manage since my stroke but noise cancelling earphones are helpful. I have gone out with this though it gives me something to focus on and then everything else fades out a little and before I know it, I’m in my own little zone.

Finally, I finished my sessions with Brid who was the therapist I was luckily enough to be partnered with by HEADWAY an acquired brain injury charity here in Ireland. She helped me so much in so many ways. I met her in May in person to say goodbye and thank you. We both cried lol. I hope she knows how much I appreciate everything she did for me. She helped me with so many things that were zero to do with the stroke, but I feel so lucky to have had that help. I was in a dark place when I finally got to talk to her, and she helped me figure my way out and helped me figure out the physical injury to make is make more sense for me. The brain is so hard to understand that knowing where in my brain was affected helped me understand how and why it has changed.

Ok long long update but I endeavor to keep them closer together and shorter lol




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