Carotid Artery Scan

Met the loveliest lady yesterday in the hospital for my ultrasound on my carotid artery. She almost made me cry when she said “ god you’ve been through a lot”. It makes me emotional because you feel like more than their ten o clock (well 10.50 by time I got in). Shows she read the cliff notes at least. So many hospital appointments are spent expecting to have to fight medical gaslighting that you are completely unprepared for kindness. Its just a fact of life with Chronic illness.

She was so kind and chatty even though I wasn’t allowed talk but Dave was in the room too.

And she kindly told me my stroke team asked for it to see if the clot came from there to my brain, over three years on and they are still trying to figure it out.
She also told me both sides were 100% normal! 
Normally they don’t tell you and you’ve to wait for the specialist to read their report to you.
She explained that she's been the other side of the table so she feels if she finds nothing why wouldn't she tell you. She's going to write the report after all!
Lovely lady and I’m so happy with the result!
One less thing to worry about and one less reason for my stroke of mystery lol.


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