Now for some of the weird symptoms of fibromyalgia I experience

Now for some of the weird symptoms of fibromyalgia I experience apart from the general pain and fatigue issues.

  • Parenthesia - this is a prickling, burning or an itching sensation. The one of these I experience most of these three is the itching. Sometimes it's a normal itch or more usually what feels like an itch on the back of my hand which I then try to itch but it's not where my brain is telling me it is. So I end up itching and itching but getting no relief. Worse one is when it feels like my brain is itchy!
  • Dropping things frequently- I am ridiculously bad with this one. I drop things ALOT but some days it is even worse and I drop EVERYTHING.
  • Difficulty speaking known words - Yup! All the bloody time. End up trying to explain the word I mean. Aka Door "the thing you go through when you walk into a room" while moving my hands about in a door type movement. The hubby has my sign language figured out!
  • Allodynia - this is a heightened sensitivity to touch a simple squeeze of an arm or shoulder can cause agony and I mean agony.
  • Shooting pains - Get these more some days than others. I always describe it as an electric shock because to me that's how it feels. I jump and make an involuntary noise 90% of the time when I get one of these. Since I pinched a disk in August I’ve had a constant one in my left foot that I was told would go hasn’t.
  • Dizziness and vertigo - Almost constantly I am a little dizzy and then more often than not I reaching out got walls etc to steady myself.
  • Dystonia - Involuntary muscle contractions. Those weird old muscle twitches people get I get quite a lot.
  • PBS - basically I have to pee a lot.
  • Hair loss - self explanatory lol
  • Night sweats - every night at least once
  • Sensitivity to light,sound and smells - Some days I can't take the sound of my own chewing it's so bad. It makes me very agitated and can make it hard to be around other people. It can lead to complete sensory overload. Say I’m in a shopping centre the bright lights, the people milling around and the noise. Certain shops have me running for the door with the music blaring.


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