
Time for a little rant about doctors cause I’ve had it up to my top of my five foot one head.
It’s started when I was eleven and drs kept telling my folks I was attention seeking meanwhile I was slowly being killed by Crohn’s Disease.
Then for eight years I had Drs telling me firstly I bursitis in my hip then just “Ageing” pains as the pain spread and was joined by fatigue when really I was suffering with Fibromyalgia.
Next it was almost two years of being told we cant find anything wrong, it must be your crohns and the pain cant be as bad as you are saying it is and me saying it’s not my damn crohns. I was crying daily, unable to walk even the shortest distances. I named that pain Stella and after all that time it turned out to be an inguinal hernia that was so deep in my abdomen from my Crohns resection surgery that they couldn’t find it until a surgeon took a closer look at an MRI thankfully and operated.
I’m constantly told I cant have a migraine all day every day and yet I do since July 2014 it just waxes and wanes.
The most recent issue is one I’ve been going to my dr about for two years or so and it took until last year and that surgeon finding the hernia and mentioning there was a kidney stone to figure out that it is. Apparently it was noticed on an MRI in 2014 and no one saw fit to tell me. Now four years later it is so big, 18mm, I am looking at 3 surgeries to get it out. This I have names Rasmus. Dunno why but it helps me to name these things.
My latest rage inducing dr appointment was when I asked to have one of my meds up. I am on 2, just two and then supplements for deficiencies I have. My dr wont up my dose and insisted I try another med. The last 3 she’s put me on have caused waking dreams, increased intensity and Reynards. I’ve been on and off 6/7 meds in the last five years never mind various opiates they have tried that’s failed and still my dr wont listen to me. It’s so frustrating.
I would so love to meet a dr who listened, cared and took what I say on board. To them I am just a patient to me this is my life. This is me trying to live as best I can.
Any nice doctors out there??


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