Update on stent and craziness that is Covid 19

Have been meaning to update this but here I am now. So my stent surgery went ahead on the 9th of March. All the nurses and drs were so kind and understanding at my many crying sessions before the surgery. Everyone knew who I was and wanted to say hi because yet again I am an "interesting case" as in no one has had a post surgery stroke in a long time.
Thankfully all went well and they kept me over night for observation just to be on the safe side. They removed the stent but put in a temporary one that I was to have out on the 18th March.
Covid was really ramping up here in Ireland between the two dates. On the 16th at 5.55pm I got a text to say the removal was cancelled. I tried to call the advice line straight away but it was closed and the next day to because it was St Paddys day. On the morning of the 18th my appointment was to have been at 10am. I called when I woke at 10am to see when I could have the stent out as it has a max of two weeks before it needs to be out. After much transferring from pillar to post I got through to the nurse who said I had been sent the txt in error and she was infact waiting on me. How was I to know???
Cue mad dash to the hospital and made it there by 11. It was weird to see the main entrance so quiet as no visitors are allowed in etc. Even my husband who came to support me was told he'd have to wait outside. I was really quite nervous to have the stent removed in clinic but the nurse was lovely and honestly it was easier than getting a smear test!
She showed me the stent and I couldn't believe how long it was, I am so annoyed I didn't take a photo!
She also told me all surgerys had been cancelled a couple of days after Id had mine so thank feck I got in there when I did.
We are now on lockdown here in Ireland and I haven't left the house bar to walk the dog in years it feels like :) Thankfully we are both keeping well as are our families. Its a weird and scary time but heres hoping we get out the other side soon. Ive had a couple of cancelled hospital appointments already but thankfully nothing serious.



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