Bronchitis sucks!!

Omg it does. I was on antibiotics and steroids for 7 days and an inhaler still when needed. It was awful! wasn't just a hacking painful cough, it was not being able to catch your breath, my already low levels of energy even lower. It’s taken 2 and a half weeks to feel well enough to go xmas shopping lol. 

I had to reschedule a cat scan on my carotid artery which I have no idea why I'm having which will now happen this Wednesday but also the following week I've to get an ECG and BP monitor for 24 hours as when I was in the doctors for the bronchitis my BP was 150/130 twice which scared my doctor but not me at least not right then but then when she said that was stroke territory.  

I've always gotten high readings with blood pressure tests; it affects my Reynaud's a lot. My hand begins to get that prickly painful feeling which makes me feel ick so my bp goes up but not this high.  

I was trying not to worry but I got feck all sleep that night worrying about it so got up the next morning and bought a wrist one in Boots. I've been taking it at home from time to time and by and large it's about 130/100 once the lower number (which is the one should be 80) got to 83 but only after a lovely relaxing bath my husband ran for me.  

I don't know why I'm surprised I live in anxiety daily. soon as I step outside the door and somethings anticipating that step outside and future events I need to attend. There is so much to worry about, the usual social anxiety, added stroke issues of sensory overload (had a moment today in the shopping center as I saw a young guy in a wheel chair with a head rest and it reminded me of seeing myself in one and I got emotional, thankfully akin a minute and a hug from Dave helped it pass) and then the physical pain, exhaustion and Crohn’s related loo issues never mind the constant migraine being made worse it’s a constant stress. 

However hopefully when I have the damn thing on for a day it will be ok.  

Maybe the doc will finally believe me when I tell them how bad my anxiety is because they never seem to have understood it.  

Here’s hoping! 




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