What I mean... When you ask me how I am and I say "Ah the usual" or "Same old same old" I want you to know what I mean. I mean there is pain, there's always pain. From the moment I wake up till the time I fall into a restless sleep there is pain. And it's not just pain in one area it's everywhere, everything hurts but it's at a level where I can leave the house, go to the shops go to the gym, meet you for a drink etc without breaking down. That the fatigue isn't so bad that I can do nothing, I just need to pace myself. When you asked me how I am and I say "today is a bad day" I want you to know what I mean. I mean there is pain and I can barely handle it. I mean I have probably cried already today and will again with frustration, anger, pain and exhaustion at the fact my own body does this to me for no reason. I want you to know I have wished for a switch to be able to just turn off everything; have imagined cutti...